Integrated subsoil studies for the transit zones frontier exploration
The least accessible for observations and explorational studies, the transition zones, are rich in hydrocarbon resources.
Transition zone (land-to-sea) with a width 1–200 km includes shallow water with sea depths 0–20 m. Geographically, transitional zones include coastal marshes, floodplains, shoals, river deltas, open shallow reefs, wide intertidal zones, intertidal zones, and shallow areas close to the coast.
Fields located in transition zones are more accessible than purely offshore fields for exploration drilling and exploitation. There are shallow water depths, and no extensive offshore pipelines are required. Due to this, the development of even relatively small deposits is profitable in transit zones.
On the other hand, search and reconnaissance in these areas is much more difficult than on the high seas or on land and even in well-studied areas transition zones are often white spots with
a low geological knowledge, poor seismic quality and unsuccessful drilling.
Severe complications in carrying out geophysical surveys by conventional methods, huge financial, technological and environmental risks slow down the pace of project implementation in transition zones, including strategic ones across the globe.
The solution to the problems of seismic surveys in transition zones is possible by applying our innovative technology for acquiring Heliometric data in transition zone before seismic data acquisition to identify the most promising zones for hydrocarbon discovery. Based on Heliometric data further seismic works will be planned only over areas with the highest hydrocarbon potential.
Exploration in land-to-sea transition zones with Heliometric data includes elements of both offshore and onshore operations and implements the most high-tech services with the use of the most modern equipment, data processing technology and logistics. To obtain high-quality Heliometric data, we produce and apply the most suitable equipment and work methodology in terms of performance, and modern software.
Our approach is suitable for all kind of transition zones including shallow and rapidly changing depths, sandy and muddy bars, areas with a developed infrastructure, transmission lines stretching into the water, natural and artificial barriers, river deltas, reef formations, drying zones, narrow passages, sharp unpredictable winds and currents, surge processes, coastal swamps, various kinds of flooded objects and landfills, mooring facilities, platforms, overpasses, pipelines.
Other advantages:
possibility to work in difficult weather conditions
long field season
experienced in working in tidal phenomena affecting the coastal strip up to 1–3 km
no environmental prohibitions to work in nature protected areas
relatively high productivity
- the accuracy of the forecast
And finally, the price of helium surveys in the transition zone can be 2-4 times lower compared to transition zones seismic surveys.
Transition Zone Surveys
Methods applied
Heliometric data acquisition
Additional Geochemical Studies
Field Systems
Heliometric data - Mobile boat-based Automated Heologic Field System TRANSITION MASTER
Water sampling and packing set for Chromatographic laboratory gas testing
Grid size
2D Profiled Heliometric Survey: 100m - 400m
3D Areal Heliometric Survey: 100m - 200m
Additional Geochemical Studies: by client's design
Transportation on Water: Boat
Transportation on Ice: Snowmobile
Operators: 3-4 per crew
Speed of work
Approx. 4-5 stations per hour
Factors to take into consideration
Weather conditions​
Water depth
Wild life