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We run a game changing technology that is revolutionising the hydrocarbon, helium, geothermal and hydrogen exploration industry


A unified methodology for collecting, processing, and interpreting Heliometric data, commercialized by our company in 2004 is based on the well-known fact that Helium gas is an order of magnitude more soluble in oil and gas, geothermal, natural helium and hydrogen deposits than in groundwater and tends to accumulate in these deposits.


A constant upward flow of Helium from the bowels of the earth to its surface is captured by above mentioned deposits, which are subsequently degassed.  Due to its unique properties like lightness, small molecular size and inertness, Helium migrates mainly vertically to the surface, where it forms anomalies. The migration speed of Helium gas is from 1 to 1000 m per day and it means that Helium migration process from the reservoir to the surface is fast.


High concentrations of "the modern Helium" that has just arrived from the reservoir can be detected at a certain location on the earth's surface and indicate the presence of deposits in the underlying section.


The main task solved by Heliometric data is the identification and geometrization of “sweet spots” - areas for subsequent parametric, exploration and production drilling for oil and gas, geothermal, helium, hydrogen and for developed oil and gas fields - zones with residual hydrocarbon reserves.


Technological extensions to machine learning have helped us develop and maintain a global Heliometric database that holds more information than any scientific study on Earth could possibly gather!


That is why people call us "the masters of helium"!

  • Helium concentrations measured in-situ, without sampling or transport of probes 

  • Grid step selection takes into account targeted geological objects

  • In-field systems are fully automated 

  • Superior precision of measurements

  • Measurement of a permanent continuous helium flux, not a single seep

  • Data interpretation and processing based on mathematical and physical algorithms


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The specifics of Helium gas and the impossibility of its storage and transportation to the laboratory plus extensive experience in field work and data processing led us to the understanding that Helium cannot be effectively measured on the surface with the standard geochemical approach and Heliometric technology must be a single complex, including equipment production, own field crews, data processors and interpreters. Now we are the world's only Heliometric technology provider with a complete service package.


Thanks to our many years of experience in collecting, processing and integrating Heliometric data, our approach has many advantages and has the fewest possible restrictions on application. We are more than confident in the quality of our data, which ensures a high level of data integration into geological and geophysical information, increasing its value and reducing the risks of exploration and development of many types of deposits.


Helium is a chemical element with atomic number 2. Helium accounts for about 23% of the mass of the universe, so it is the second most abundant element after hydrogen. There are two naturally-occurring isotopes, Helium-3 and Helium-4.​ Helium concentration on Earth 5.2 ppm by volume in the atmosphere and small amounts occur in radioactive minerals, meteoric iron, and mineral springs, great volumes of Helium are found as a component in natural gases (up to 11%) and oil (7ml/l).


Heliometric spatial anomaly – is an area of research site significantly differing in Helium content from site background Helium value. In terms of interpretation positive He anomalies indicate zones with high hydrocarbon, helium, geothermal or hydrogen saturation of the target - zones of high permeability, natural drainage of productive section, while negative anomalies and weak He variations are indicators of low resource saturation, low permeability of the target object and high pool isolation, lack of drainage by efficient reservoirs.


Our data collection principle is very simple. The quality of the data must be of the highest level and we have no room for error. Therefore, land and sea data is collected by our automated field systems, which are controlled by experienced personnel. There is no way for operators to change the data values ​​or have severe mistake that leads to a false information.


Through many years of experience in studying Heliometric data, we independently developed an integrated approach to data processing, created unique algorithms that guarantee us the best result. With our AI-based solution, we are able to train the system to recognise incorrect data, highlight anomalies, and integrate a large number of factors that affect helium values. Thanks to our technology, we are confident that the final helium data is the closest to the true value.


Geological conditions and objects change, Heliometric data is also unique in its' own way and requires deep study and correct interpretation. Data interpretation occurs at several stages. At first, Heliometric data is correlated to the available geological and geophysical information. Such an interpretation depends on the quality of available geological and geophysical information. At second stage of interpretation contains a correlation with the results of the drilled wells.

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