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Our unique and proven G+G+HE model provides valuable additional information for natural resource exploration


Underperformance in exploration is often coupled with a significant challenge - a low drilling success rate due to a structural complexity.


The amount of available data before drilling is often very limited and variable in terms of type and quality so the drilling risk comes from uncertainty and a unified multidisciplinary approach is required in order to maximize the value of the data. 


Heologic brings a new practice in Petroleum, Helium, Geothermal and Hydrogen Exploration Industry called G+G+HE modelling where our customers efficiently assess acreages and prospects, increase the POS (Possibility of Success) and drill wells with a lowest possible risk.  


This highest level of integration where Heliometric data is already integrated at the level of geophysical data processing and interpretation called G+G+HE model.


G+G+HE is an innovative method for prediction of natural resource presence and a perfect tool for integration of a suite of information, from 2D / 3D seismic processing through to geology where Heliometric data plays a significant role. This approach makes it possible to improve the quality of interpretation of geophysical data and to pay attention to areas that could be missed with the conventional approach.


It is a powerful model for reservoir exploration and used in prioritizing prospects and even in inferring the nature of hydrocarbon accumulation (e.g., oil versus gas), potentially reducing the overall exploration risk quite substantially.


This service is performed by our sister company Nordic Geophysical Ltd.



Land in the pay zone


Identify the best plays


Field plan with precision

G&G from Heliometric Anomaly point of view

  • Heliometric anomaly is a multifactorial variable that depends on the depth of the object, the quality of the seal above the object, the permeability and lithology of the section above the object, the concentration of Helium per unit volume of a resource-saturated reservoir, reservoir properties, the number of layers in the section, etc.

  • Regarding the origin (source) of the Heliometric anomaly (active faults, hydrocarbon, geothermal, helium, hydrogen deposits, radioactive ores, etc.), preliminary assumptions will be prepared based on the morphology and nature of the anomalies.

  • At the next step Heliometric anomalies are linked geologically (genetically) into available geological and geophysical materials,

  • Some remaining anomalies are not interpreted geologically or interpreted ambiguously - such anomalies are a considered as a potential natural resource deposit area and will be studied more carefully during Seismic data processing and interpretation.

Heliometric anomalies integrated at the level of Seismic data processing and interpretation open new insights for resource exploration teams

  • ​confirm the presence of potential deposits according to the data obtained by traditional methods; 

  • identify new prospects not seen at the initial stage by traditional methods;

  • obtain additional data on potential deposits with unclear and contradictory data obtained by traditional methods;

  • identify areas of enhanced fractured permeability and hydrodynamic connectivity in productive section;

  • clarify the conditional boundaries of the reservoir along the boundaries of Heliometric anomalies; 

  • rank the prospects by risk, cut off low prospectivi`ty and high-risk zones;

  • predict saturation of the prospective section prior to drilling; 

  • justify the prospective drilling target;

  • clarify the most optimal well placement point within the reservoir based on the centre of Heliometric anomalies.

Heliometric Image

The "HELIOMETRIC IMAGE" of successful commercial wells at this level of integration is highly reliable and prospect's Probability of Success (POS) can be greatly assessed.


Implementation of Heliometric Image demonstrates the applicability and effectiveness of Heliometric data integration, reduces risk in exploration through entire territory, de-risks drilling activities above seismically defined structures and allows to build up realistic geological models leading to the discovery of a new deposits.


Helium Image is used in prioritizing prospects and even in inferring the nature of resource accumulation, potentially reducing the overall exploration risk quite substantially.


Integration of the breakthrough Heliometric data and obtaining on its' basis Heliometric Image opens a new model for reservoir exploration supported by rational planning, time and cost savings.

We are looking for a "HELIOMETRIC IMAGE" of successful commercial wells which covers the entire acreage  

  • Our recommendations are of a probabilistic nature, the success of which increases significantly as well drilling results are obtained and Heliometric data is correlated with them.

  • Since the Heliometric anomalies themselves (area size and magnitude) do not directly indicate volumes (thickness and porosity of a resource-saturated reservoir), in order to achieve the best results of each subsequent drilling within a studied geology, a “HELIOMETRIC IMAGE” of a successful commercial well is formed by correlations of Heliometric data with all available geological and geophysical information, as well as new or previously drilled wells.

CONVENTIONAL and unconventional Oil & Gas, helium, geothermal, hydrogen deposits 

and offshore

AREAL 3D heliometric survey


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