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Our Heliometric data interpretation process is based on a deep understanding of helium gas properties, years of experience and machine learning solutions


Geological conditions and objects change, Heliometric data is also unique in its' own way and requires deep study and correct interpretation.


The results of a longstanding research and in-field surveys indicate that Heliometric data y can be used by itself. Notwithstanding, to effectively determine the depth of hydrocarbon deposits obtained Heliometric data is often used  in conjunction with other known methods.


Our approach is based on the fact that Heliometric data must be of the highest quality before it can be correctly interpreted and must be of sufficient quantity to reflect the existing geological image.


Data interpretation occurs at several stages.


At FIRST stage, Heliometric data is correlated to the available geological and geophysical information. Such an interpretation depends on the quality of available geological and geophysical information.


The SECOND stage of interpretation contains a correlation with the results of the drilled wells. This integration allows to define Heliometric data that explains dry, commercial or sub-commercial wells for the selected geology.

Our Interpretation Experience



Heliometric data is commonly integrated with the seismic information for anomaly interpretation

Satellite imaging

We have obtained excellent results by integrating Heliometric data into Earth remote sensing methods. 

Magnetotelluric sounding 

By integrating  MT-sounding and Heliometric data we effectively identify the location and the depth of structures bearing resources

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Undestanding of Heliometric Anomalies

  • Heliometric anomaly is a multifactorial variable that depends on the depth of the object, the quality of the seal above the object, the permeability and lithology of the section above the object, the concentration of Helium per unit volume of a resource-saturated reservoir, reservoir properties, the number of layers in the section, etc.

  • Regarding the origin (source) of the Heliometric anomaly (active faults, hydrocarbon, geothermal, helium, hydrogen deposits, radioactive ores, etc.), preliminary assumptions based on the morphology and nature of the anomalies will be prepared.

  • Based on the available geological and geophysical materials, Heliometric anomalies are linked geologically (genetically), however, there remain some anomalies that are not interpreted geologically or are interpreted ambiguously - such anomalies are not recommended for prospecting - drilling.

Interpretation work Tasks

  1. To evaluate the regional features of the distribution of the Heliometric data depending on the peculiarities of the geological structure of the area - the depth of the basement, its relief of the basement, the density and permeability of the faults, possibly the heterogeneity of the structure of the upper sedimentary section;

  2. To identify on seismic time sections and depth/time maps (i.e. in the section and in the area) promising zones - potential traps of hydrocarbons, helium, geothermal or hydrogen deposits and evaluate (rank) them according to the degree of their prospects from the point of view of Heliometric data;

  3. To identify priority areas for drilling of exploration wells, which will be clarified - confirmed or refuted at a subsequent stage of integration - integration with well drilling data in the areas (logging, testing, operation, etc.).

  4. Define Heliometric data that explains dry, commercial or sub-commercial wells for the selected geology.

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Expected Interpretation results

  • Obtain additional data on potential deposits through unclear and conflicting data obtained by traditional methods

  • Distinguish and identify potential deposits and fault systems by the nature of the spatial distribution of Helium concentrations

  • Confirm the presence of potential deposits according to the other G&G information

  • Correlate the largest Heliometric anomalies above highly potential deposits

  • Clarify the conditional boundaries of the reservoir along the boundaries of Heliometric anomalies

  • Identify most optimal well placement locations within the reservoir based on the centre of Heliometric anomalies

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